Monitoring Matters Magazine

For those who don't know, I also write for the E-zine Monitoring Matters.  This web-only magazine is aimed at all radio monitors, listeners, scannerists and anyone who enjoys listening to the airwaves.

Many of the authors who write for "MM" are well known experts in their field, including many of the columnists from the sadly failed Monitoring Monthly (not to be confused).

Personally, I write the monthly scanning/comms monitoring column.  I mainly cover V/UHF subjects and don't tend to just copy lists of frequencies from other websites ;)  I firmly believe in not spoonfeeding readers - you're not thick, and you know how to (or should do) to use a Search Button on your scanner.

It's well worth the paltry sum for a year's membership, and is easily payable via PayPal.  Discussions are under way to include the option to buy an issue at a time (hopefully including back issues) again for probably less than a pint of beer.