Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Monitoring Matters

For those who don't know, I also write for the E-zine Monitoring Matters.  This web-only magazine takes off where the sadly failed Monitoring Monthly ended.

Lots of the original authors from MM carried over, including the editor Pat Carty. 

I write the monthly scanning/comms monitoring column.  I mainly cover V/UHF subjects and don't tend to just copy lists of frequencies from other websites ;).

I firmly believe in not spoonfeeding readers - you're not thick, and you know how to (or should do) to use a Search Button.

It's well worth the paltry sum for a year's membership, and is easily payable via PayPal.  Discussions are under way to include the option to buy an issue at a time (hopefully including back issues) again for probably less than a pint of beer.


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